Tuesday 31 January 2012

Space to grow

Today, in between clients, I went grocery shopping for the usual list of meat, fish and vegetables.  After storing them away at home I decided to take a look at the 4 shelves in our pull-out larder.  It had needed attention for some time so I decided to spend just 10 minutes on the top shelf only. This involved throwing away 3 part used containers of various sugars used in baking, out of date herbs and spices (does anyone ever finish one of these?) and recycling some old cup cake cases that had gained their freedom from a clear plastic container.

After this I cleaned the shelf and returned the items that hadn't been shown the red card, to their now spacious new home. The process wasn't at all painful as it had a short deadline (just 600 seconds).  It felt cathartic disposing of the obsolete 'foodstuffs' (I use this term loosely) and creating space within our environment.  It dawned on me that there are parallels here compared to our modern life-styles - trying to cram in too much into too small a space while steadfastly refusing to let go of what isn't necessary and surplus to requirement. 

Here at RetroFit (Tameside) we specialise in giving our athletes the knowledge, guidance, motivation and support to find the space in their lives, to exercise and make the sometimes difficult changes to create permanent fat release. 

Is it time for your to make some space in your cupboards, shelves, wardrobe, pantry....... or even clothing?

Visit www.retrofit.me.uk                www.facebook.com/retrofit.tameside

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